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How to use Add-ons and Modules in WHMCS

WHMCS has a wide range of add-ons and modules available to enhance the functionality of your WHMCS installation. Check out these popular add-ons and modules that you might find useful:

Payment Gateways: WHMCS offers a wide range of payment gateways by default, but you can also find additional modules to expand your options. Some popular ones include PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net, and 2Checkout. (Best VPS provider)

Domain Registrars: If you provide domain registration services, you can integrate WHMCS with additional domain registrar modules to expand your offerings. Modules are available for registrars like GoDaddy, eNom, Namecheap, and ResellerClub.

Server Provisioning Modules: These modules automate the provisioning of servers and services, making them useful for VPS, dedicated servers, and other hosting services. Modules are available for popular control panels like cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin, as well as cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and DigitalOcean.

Support Desk Integrations: Integrate WHMCS with popular support desk systems such as Zendesk, Freshdesk, and Kayako to streamline your support ticketing process and provide better customer service. (Free Windows VPS Server)

Fraud Protection: Utilize fraud protection modules to help prevent fraudulent orders. These modules can integrate with services like MaxMind and FraudRecord to screen orders for potential fraud.

Live Chat: Enhance your WHMCS installation with live chat functionality to offer real-time support to your customers. Modules are available for popular live chat platforms like LiveChat and tawk.to.

SEO Tools: Boost the visibility of your website in search engines by integrating SEO tools with WHMCS. Modules are available for SEO tools like SEO Manager and SEO Stats. (Best Web Hosting India)

Backup Solutions: Offer backup services to your customers by integrating backup solutions with WHMCS. Modules are available for backup solutions like R1Soft and Acronis.

Affiliate Programs: Create and manage affiliate programs for your products and services using affiliate program modules. Modules are available for popular affiliate management systems like Post Affiliate Pro and iDevAffiliate.

SMS Notifications: Send SMS notifications to your customers for important updates and notifications. (Low cost VPS hosting)