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How to automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible

How to automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible

Introduction (How to automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible)

How to automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible, an automation tool sans agents, streamlines the remote provisioning of Cloud Servers with ease. Engineered for multi-tier deployments, Ansible adeptly manages configuration, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and sundry IT necessities.

Gone are the days of singular system management. Ansible allows you to model your cloud infrastructure by delineating the interrelationships of your systems. Utilizing the trusted SSH protocol, it eliminates the need for agents or additional custom security frameworks.

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Automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible In this guide, we elucidate the fundamentals of Ansible and the initial steps to configure your cloud infrastructure.

Ansible supports numerous operating systems compatible with Python, making the steps in this guide applicable to almost any Linux distribution, with minor adaptations for other operating systems.

Mechanisms of Ansible (Automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible)

Ansible’s primary objective is to install and configure deployment-required software, whether on a single server or a global cluster. It connects to your nodes and deploys succinct programs known as “Ansible modules.”

How to automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible

These modules model the desired state of system resources. Ansible maintains a vast library of common modules to manage the majority of popular software provisioning. Users can also craft their own modules, which can reside on any machine. No servers, daemons, or database requirements exist.

Once connected, Ansible executes the modules to achieve the desired state and performs cleanup to remove used modules, leaving a pristine installation.

Getting started with Ansible is straightforward; you only need a terminal program and a text editor. Tools like version control systems can also help manage configuration changes.

Understanding Playbooks

Ansible’s modularity is further enhanced by Playbooks, which define tasks and processes in easily readable configuration files using YAML. This simple markup language makes configurations readable and comprehensible, even years later.

Playbooks offer granular control for orchestrating your cloud infrastructure. Each module can target numerous servers, granting you control over the number of machines managed simultaneously. This flexibility makes Ansible particularly compelling.

Installing Ansible (Automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible)

Ansible operates as a simple command-line tool and can be installed on virtually any machine. The most universal installation method uses Pip with Python.

If pip is not present on your system, install it using the commands below. Ensure Python is installed first, likely available via your operating system’s package manager.

shCopy codesudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip

Once pip is installed, proceed to install Ansible:

shCopy codepip3 install ansible

This setup allows Ansible to manage an entire fleet of Cloud Servers from a single control point, without the need for databases or daemons.

Creating Your First Playbook

With Ansible installed (Automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible), you can create your first playbook. Below is an example of a simple LAMP stack installation on an Ubuntu 20.04 Cloud Server. When executed, it performs the following operations:

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  1. Update and upgrade all system packages.
  2. Install the latest versions of Apache2, MariaDB, PHP, and PHP-MySQL.
  3. Enable and start the Apache2 web server.
  4. Enable and start the MariaDB database service.
  5. Fetch a test PHP index page from a remote source.
  6. Confirm the website’s accessibility.

Create a new file called lamp-stack.yml and add the following configuration:

yamlCopy code---
- name: Install LAMP stack on Ubuntu
hosts: webservers
become: yes
- name: Update and upgrade apt packages
update_cache: yes
upgrade: dist

- name: Install required software
- apache2
- mariadb-server
- php
- php-mysql
state: present

- name: Enable and start Apache2
name: apache2
state: started
enabled: yes

- name: Enable and start MariaDB
name: mariadb
state: started
enabled: yes

- name: Fetch test PHP page
url: http://example.com/index.php
dest: /var/www/html/index.php

- name: Confirm website accessibility
url: http://localhost/index.php
status_code: 200

Running Your Playbook

To provision your servers, you must define the inventory, which Ansible searches for at /etc/ansible/hosts by default. For multiple lists, specify the inventory file at the command line with the -i option.

Create an inventory file called hosts.yml with the following contents:

yamlCopy codewebservers:
ansible_user: your_user
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /path/to/private/key

Test the connection with the ping module:

shCopy codeansible -i hosts.yml webservers -m ping

If successful, run the playbook:

shCopy codeansible-playbook -i hosts.yml lamp-stack.yml

Integrating Ansible with Terraform

Ansible excels at provisioning servers post-deployment, while Terraform, an open-source infrastructure-as-code tool, initiates the deployment. Terraform uses a human-readable language to manage cloud infrastructure, codifying APIs into configuration files. Once deployed, Terraform can call Ansible for provisioning.

Use the following code in your Terraform configuration:

hclCopy coderesource "null_resource" "ansible_provision" {
  connection {
    type        = "ssh"
    user        = "your_user"
    private_key = file("/path/to/private/key")
    host        = "${aws_instance.your_instance.public_ip}"

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
      "echo 'Server is ready for provisioning'",

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "ansible-playbook -i ${self.connection.host}, lamp-stack.yml"

Deploy and provision a new Cloud Server from start to finish with a single command, allowing automation to manage your deployment seamlessly.

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Automate Cloud Server provisioning using Ansible, Congratulations! You now possess the knowledge to automate your Cloud Server deployment and provisioning with Ansible and Terraform. This combination simplifies managing large cloud infrastructures, saving you time and money.

Explore more playbook examples on Ansible’s GitHub repository, and delve into our tutorial on automating Terraform deployments to further enhance your skills.