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How to Install and Configure CyberPanel on CentOS

Step 1 – Downloading the CyberPanel installation script

Open your terminal and type:
#yum update -y
#wget -O installer.sh https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh
#chmod +x installer.sh
#sh installer. sh

Step 2 – Configuring

After running the installer.sh file,
Select the option 1, it will perform the complete installation of CyberPanel.

Step 3 – CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed

Next is the installation step of OpenLiteSpeed or LiteSpeed Enterprise.
Select option 1 again to install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed.

Step 4 – Memcached, LiteSpeed and Redis

Type Y to start MemcachedLiteSpeed and Redis installation. Once the installation is completed successfully, you will see the following output on your terminal:

Step 5 – Accessing the CyberPanel

  • Access your server’s IP address, remember to use port 8090.
    • Here is an example: https://your_server_ip:8090.
    • You will see a screen to log into your newly installed system.
  • Enter admin for the username and letscloud for the password.
  • Click on the user menu arrow next to the name “Cyber Pan”.
  • Choose Edit Profile.
  • Select the option admin from the drop-down menu on the page Modify user.
  • Now you can change the name, surname, email address and password as you prefer.
    • Use a strong password!
    • https://www.lastpass.com/pt/password-generator

Congratulations, you have successfully installed CyberPanel!