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User Guide 2024: How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP?

How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP


If you’ve ever wanted to experiment with WordPress without the risk of breaking a live site, install WordPress locally Without XAMPP is your best bet. By doing this, you can test themes, plugins, and configurations in a safe environment. But what if you don’t want to use XAMPP? Don’t worry, there are plenty of other options. Let’s dive into how to install WordPress locally without using XAMPP.

Prerequisites ( How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP)

How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP, Before we begin, let’s ensure you have everything you need.

Software Requirements:

  • A local server environment (such as Local by Flywheel, MAMP, or Docker)
  • A web browser
  • WordPress package

System Requirements:

  • A computer with a minimum of 2GB RAM
  • Enough storage space (at least 5GB free)
  • Operating System: Windows, macOS, or Linux
How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP natsav.com
How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP natsav.com

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Choosing a Local Server Environment

How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP, There are several local server environments you can use. These platforms provide a convenient way to set up WordPress on your computer without needing XAMPP.

Popular Alternatives to XAMPP:

  • Local by Flywheel
  • MAMP
  • Docker

Installing Local by Flywheel

What is Local by Flywheel? How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP, Local by Flywheel is a powerful tool designed specifically for WordPress development. It offers an easy-to-use interface and simplifies the setup process.

Downloading and Installing Local by Flywheel:

  1. Visit the Local by Flywheel website and download the installer.
  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Once installed, launch Local by Flywheel.

Setting Up Your First Site:

  1. Open Local by Flywheel and click on “Create a new site”.
  2. Follow the setup wizard to configure your site name, environment, and WordPress settings.
  3. Click “Add Site” and wait for the installation to complete.

Using MAMP for Local WordPress Installation

What is MAMP? MAMP (Macintosh, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) is another excellent option for setting up a local WordPress environment, especially for macOS users.

Downloading and Installing MAMP:

  1. Visit the MAMP website and download the appropriate version for your OS.
  2. Run the installer and follow the prompts to install MAMP.

Setting Up WordPress with MAMP:

  1. Launch MAMP and start the servers.
  2. Download the latest version of WordPress from the official site.
  3. Move the WordPress folder to MAMP’s htdocs directory.
  4. Create a new MySQL database using phpMyAdmin.
  5. Configure the wp-config.php file with your database details.
  6. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost/wordpress to run the WordPress installer.

Using Docker for Local WordPress Installation

What is Docker? Docker is a platform that allows you to create, deploy, and run applications in containers. It’s great for isolating your WordPress setup from your main operating system.

Setting Up Docker:

  1. Download and install Docker Desktop from the Docker website.
  2. Ensure Docker is running on your system.

Running WordPress in a Docker Container:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Use the following command to pull the WordPress image and start a container:bash
  3. Once the container is running, open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080 to complete the WordPress installation.
Code:- bash docker run –name WordPress-local -p 8080:80 -d wordpress

Installing WordPress Manually on Your System

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, you can install WordPress manually.

Setting Up Apache, MySQL, and PHP (AMP) Manually:

  1. How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP, Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP on your system. This process varies by OS but typically involves using package managers like apt for Linux or installers for Windows/macOS.
  2. Start the Apache and MySQL services.

Downloading WordPress:

  1. Download the latest version of WordPress from the official website.
  2. Extract the WordPress files to your web server’s root directory.

Configuring wp-config.php:

  1. Rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php.
  2. Edit wp-config.php and enter your database details.

Running the WordPress Installer:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost/wordpress.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

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Configuring Your Local WordPress Site

Once WordPress is installed, you need to configure it to suit your needs.

Setting Up the Site Title and Admin Account:

  1. During installation, you’ll be prompted to enter a site title, username, password, and email.
  2. These can be changed later in the WordPress dashboard under Settings > General.

Adjusting General Settings:

  1. Go to Settings > General to adjust your site title, tagline, and other general settings.

Permalink Structure:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Permalinks.
  2. Choose a permalink structure that suits your site, such as “Post name”.

Importing an Existing WordPress Site

If you have a live WordPress site and want to import it locally:

Exporting Your Live Site:

  1. Go to Tools > Export in your live site’s dashboard.
  2. Export all content.

Importing into Your Local Environment:

  1. Go to Tools > Import in your local WordPress site.
  2. Install the WordPress importer and upload the export file.

Developing and Testing with Your Local WordPress Site

Local installations are perfect for development and testing.

How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP natsav.com
How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP natsav.com

Theme Development:

  1. Create a new theme or modify an existing one in the wp-content/themes directory.

Plugin Development:

  1. Develop new plugins or modify existing ones in the wp-content/plugins directory.

Testing New Features:

  1. Test new WordPress features, themes, and plugins without affecting your live site.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the best preparation, you might encounter issues.

Common Installation Problems:

  1. Missing files or incorrect configurations can cause installation failures.

Fixing Database Connection Errors:

  1. Ensure your wp-config.php file has the correct database details.
  2. Verify that your database server is running.

Resolving Permalink Issues:

  1. Sometimes, permalinks might not work correctly. Resetting the permalink structure often resolves this.

Optimizing Your Local WordPress Environment

Performance and efficiency are crucial.

Performance Tips:

  1. Limit the number of active plugins.
  2. Use a lightweight theme.

Using Debugging Tools:

  1. Enable WordPress debugging by adding the following lines to your wp-config.php file:phpCopy codedefine('WP_DEBUG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false); @ini_set('display_errors', 0);
  2. Use debugging plugins like Query Monitor to track performance and identify issues.

Backing Up Your Local WordPress Site

Regular backups are crucial, even for local sites.

Manual Backup Methods:

  1. Copy your entire WordPress directory to a safe location.
  2. Export your database using tools like phpMyAdmin or the command line.

Automated Backup Solutions:

  1. Use plugins like UpdraftPlus to schedule and manage backups.

Syncing Your Local Site with a Live Server

Keeping your local site in sync with your live site ensures you can test changes accurately.

Pushing Changes to Your Live Site:

  1. Use plugins like Duplicator to create a package of your local site and deploy it to your live server.
  2. Manually upload files via FTP and import the database.

Pulling Updates from Your Live Site:

  1. Export your live site’s database and import it into your local environment.
  2. Download your live site’s files and replace your local site’s files.


How to Install WordPress Locally Without XAMPP, Installing WordPress locally without XAMPP offers a flexible, powerful way to develop and test your website. Whether you use Local by Flywheel, MAMP, Docker, or a manual setup, each method has its own advantages and can cater to different needs. So, dive in, experiment, and make the most of your local WordPress environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best local server environment for WordPress?

The best local server environment depends on your needs. Local by Flywheel is user-friendly, MAMP is great for macOS users, and Docker offers powerful containerization.

Can I use WordPress locally without any server environment?

No, you need a server environment like Apache, MySQL, and PHP to run WordPress locally.

How do I update WordPress in a local environment?

You can update WordPress locally just like on a live site. Go to Dashboard > Updates and click “Update Now”.

Is it possible to use the same plugins locally and on a live site?

Yes, you can use the same plugins locally and on a live site. Ensure they are compatible with your WordPress version.

How do I ensure my local site is secure?

To secure your local site, regularly update WordPress, themes, and plugins. Use strong passwords and consider using security plugins.