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Ubuntu, the cutting-edge and open source Linux operating system, caters specifically to enterprise servers.


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Linux VPS Hosting | Cheap Linux VPS Server in India
What is Linux VPS Hosting?Linux VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting is a powerful and flexible web hosting solution that leverages the open-source Linux operating system. It provides a virtualized environment within a physical server, allowing.....
How to Create Account and Repository on Github
Creating a GitHub account and a repository is an essential step for anyone interested in sharing or hosting their code. Here's a simple guide on how to get started: Creating a GitHub Account: 1. Visit.....
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How To Install Git on Ubuntu 20.04
Introduction Version control systems like Git are essential to modern software development best practices. Versioning allows you to keep track of your software at the source level. You can track changes, revert to previous stages,.....
How to Install a Wildcard SSL Certificate on Multiple Servers
Installing a wildcard SSL certificate on multiple servers involves several steps, including generating the certificate and key pair, distributing the certificate files to each server, and configuring the web server software. What is a Wildcard.....
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How to Install WordPress with LAMP Stack on Ubuntu
Prerequisites: a.Ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS Server a. Root or non-root user with Sudo privileges 1. Update Packages: Open a terminal and run the following commands to update your server: #sudo apt update #sudo apt upgrade.....
How to Migrate a Physical System to a KVM Virtual Server
Migrate physical system to KVM virtual server involves converting the physical machine's operating system, applications, and data into a virtual machine (VM) that can run on the KVM hypervisor. Here's a step-by-step guide on how.....
How to Install Docker on Ubuntu
Introduction Docker is an application that simplifies the process of managing application processes in containers. Containers let you run your applications in resource-isolated processes. They’re similar to virtual machines, but containers are more portable, more.....
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How to Create a Full Backup on Ubuntu Server Using the TAR Command
Creating a full backup of an Ubuntu server using the tar command involves compressing the entire file system into an archive. Follow these steps to create a full backup using the tar command: 1.Open a.....
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Killing a Process on Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Guide
To kill a process on Ubuntu, you can use the kill command or the pkill command. Here's a brief overview of both methods: 1. Using the kill command: To terminate a process, follow these steps:.....
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Step-by-step Guide: Installing KVM Virtualizer on Ubuntu
Installation Before you begin the installation process, we want to assure you that our servers are of the highest quality. You can experience this by purchasing an affordable dedicated server from the plans available on.....
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How to Detect Trojan Files in Ubuntu
1. Update your server: Make sure your server is up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates. #sudo apt update #sudo apt upgrade  2. Install an antivirus tool: ClamAV is a popular antivirus tool.....
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How to install PHP 7.4 in Ubuntu
Step 1: Update Package List sudo apt update Step 2: Install PHP 7.4 sudo apt install php7.4 Step 3: Install Additional PHP Modules Depending on your blog software, you may need additional PHP modules. For.....
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How to install Ngnix on Ubuntu
1. Update Package Lists: Before installing any new software, it's a good practice to update the package lists on your system. sudo apt update 2. Install Nginx on Ubuntu: Use the following command to install.....
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How to setup cron jobs in Ubuntu
  Access the Crontab: Open a terminal on your Ubuntu system. Edit the Crontab File: To edit the crontab file for the current user, type the following command: crontab -e If you want to edit.....
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A Step-by-Step Guide: Installing an FTP Server on Ubuntu
Step 1: Update and Upgrade Your Server Before you begin the installation process, it's essential to ensure that your Ubuntu Server is up to date. Open a terminal and run the following commands: #sudo apt.....
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A Step-by-Step Guide: Installing phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu
Installing phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu: Step 1: Update Your Server Update your Ubuntu server first: #sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade If you are in search of a cost-effective Ubuntu server, look no further! By.....
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A Comprehensive Guide to Installing MariaDB on Ubuntu
Installing MariaDB on Ubuntu Step 1: Update Package Lists Just like with MySQL, start by updating your package lists: #sudo apt update Step 2: Install MariaDB Server Install the MariaDB server package with the following.....
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A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Change the Hostname in Ubuntu
Step 1: Check the Current Hostname Before making any changes, it's a good idea to check the current hostname. You can do this by entering the following command in the terminal: #hostname This will display.....
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A Step-by-Step Guide: Installing and Configuring HTTP on Ubuntu
Step 1: Update Your System Before diving into the installation process, it's essential to ensure that your system is up-to-date. Open the terminal and run the following commands: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade Step.....
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A Step-by-Step Guide: Adding Additional IP Addresses in Ubuntu for Hosting Multiple Websites
Step 1: Accessing Your Ubuntu 20.04 Server Begin by logging into your Ubuntu 20.04 server using SSH. Once connected, you'll have access to the command line interface, where you'll perform all the necessary configurations ssh.....
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Mastering Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Reverse DNS PTR Records
Step 1: Access DNS Configuration Ensure you have access to your DNS server configuration. Depending on your setup, this might be managed through a hosting provider or a control panel like BIND. Step 2: Identify.....
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How to Install SSL with Apache on Ubuntu Server Using PuTTY
Step 1: Connect to Your Server a. Open PuTTY on your local machine. b. Enter your server's IP address in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field. c. Set the connection type to "SSH."Click "Open".....
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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #2

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #11

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #10

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #9

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #8

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #7

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #3

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #4

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #5

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #6

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How To Install And Configure Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed. To start, please log in to your Ubuntu instance. Next, it’s important to update the repository to ensure that we have the most recent and secure version. Once the repository is successfully updated, we can proceed.

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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #3
Step 1: Updating Ubuntu Server sudo apt update Step 2: Installing Nginx on Ubuntu Server sudo apt install nginx Step 3: Managing Nginx Web Server — Stops the server:  sudo systemctl stop nginx.service — Start.....
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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server #2
Step 1: Updating Ubuntu Server sudo apt update Step 2: Installing Nginx on Ubuntu Server sudo apt install nginx Step 3: Managing Nginx Web Server — Stops the server:  sudo systemctl stop nginx.service — Start.....
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How to Setup Nginx HTTP Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server
Step 1: Updating Ubuntu Server sudo apt update Step 2: Installing Nginx on Ubuntu Server sudo apt install nginx Step 3: Managing Nginx Web Server — Stops the server:  sudo systemctl stop nginx.service — Start.....